Assessing Fraud Risks
04/06/2024 - 06/06/2024 @ 8:30 am - 3:30 pm - Assessing Fraud Risks Course Description With organizations losing an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, the need for a strong anti-fraud stance and proactive, comprehensive approach to combating fraud is clear. As organizations increase their focus on risk, they should take the opportunity to consider, enact and improve measures to detect, deter and [...]

Date(s) - 04/06/2024 - 06/06/2024
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Movenpick Hotel Downtown

Assessing Fraud Risks

Course Description

With organizations losing an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, the need for a strong anti-fraud stance and proactive, comprehensive approach to combating fraud is clear. As organizations increase their focus on risk, they should take the opportunity to consider, enact and improve measures to detect, deter and prevent fraud. This course will explain how organizations can integrate anti-fraud initiatives into their risk management programs.

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Discuss the applicable IPPF Standards
  • Review the ERM mode
  • Discuss the newly released three lines model
  • Identify the necessary components of a successful fraud risk management program
  • Identify the elements of a strong ethical corporate culture
  • Review fraud awareness steps to employees at all levels of the organization
  • Review best practices

Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites to this course

Level: All levels


Bookings are closed for this event.


The UAE IAA reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice.

While the UAE Internal Audit Association and its staff make every effort to observe and maintain the schedule of every training course as set forth in the organization’s training schedule, under certain circumstances that are out of our control we might feel obligated to cancel and/or reschedule any training course or event. Under these circumstances, our training department will forward all registrants to the next available schedule for the same course. The individual participant or the sponsoring organization will have the ability to request a different schedule for the same course or a different course within the same calendar year.

CPEs: 21 Point
Course Level: All
Duration: 3 Day/s
Language: English
Member Fees:1800USD
Nonmember Fees: 2000USD

Number of Attendees:

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