Auditing at the Speed of Risk
24/01/2022 - 25/01/2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - About this course: Course Description This seminar will challenge students to adapt a client service mindset as internal auditors,. and to transform their processes and methodologies to audit at the speed of 21st century risks. Students will explore concepts for continuous risk assessment, identifying and monitoring emerging risks, and planning, conducting and reporting internal audit [...]

Date(s) - 24/01/2022 - 25/01/2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Novotel Hotel

About this course:

Course Description

This seminar will challenge students to adapt a client service mindset as internal auditors,. and to transform their processes and methodologies to audit at the speed of 21st century risks. Students will explore concepts for continuous risk assessment, identifying and monitoring emerging risks, and planning, conducting and reporting internal audit engagements at the speed of risk.

Trainer – Richard F. Chambers

Groups of 3+ can avail the special early bird price of $1175 per person. Please contact for more information.


Course Schedule

  • Day 1: 08:00 – 17:00
  • Day 2: 08:00 – 17:00


Course Duration: 2 days

CPE Credits: 16

Level: All

Pre-requisites: None

Delivery Format: On-Site


Bookings are closed for this event.


The UAE IAA reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice.

While the UAE Internal Audit Association and its staff make every effort to observe and maintain the schedule of every training course as set forth in the organization’s training schedule, under certain circumstances that are out of our control we might feel obligated to cancel and/or reschedule any training course or event. Under these circumstances, our training department will forward all registrants to the next available schedule for the same course. The individual participant or the sponsoring organization will have the ability to request a different schedule for the same course or a different course within the same calendar year.

CPEs: 16 Point
Course Level: All
Duration: 2 Day/s
Language: English
Member Fees:1275USD
Nonmember Fees: 1275USD

Number of Attendees:

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