Digital Governance – International Audit Awareness Month

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Date(s) - 03/05/2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am

CPE: 1

    • Brief about the session:
    Entire corporate sector in an intense stage of Digital Transformation because it’s no more optional, rather it’s mandatory for survival and growth. A very strong pre-requisite for which is a proven framework which sets the direction for Digital Transformation programs. Digital governance is a framework for establishing accountability, roles, decision-making, and change management authority for an organization's Digital Transformation. Having a well-designed digital governance framework minimizes effort and cost and ensures that set objectives are met. In absence of a practical Digital Governance framework, there’s always a risk of the Digital programs going stray and not yielding the expected results. One of the key objectives of our initiative is create a more advanced and sustainable awareness amongst senior managementSpeakers Ahmad Almulla and Arun Tewari
  • Ahmad AlmullaAhmad is considered one of the leading figures and a known authority when it comes to digital transformation, innovation, and creative thinking with over 30 years of experience in IT and business coupled with international exposure. He is one of few who have combined experience in Information Technology and Supply Chain Management coupled with strong leadership capabilities. Ahmad is credited as one of the driving forces behind the IT revolution at EGA, and a visionary leader who has ushered in an era of technological change in the company. Ahmad has been a frequent keynote speaker at many conferences and symposiums globally; and has led many initiatives that have resulted in EGA receiving several prestigious awards locally, regionally, and internationally. Ahmad has played a crucial role in establishing CIOMajlis (A platform for CIOs to network and discuss IT related topics) and was the founding chairman. He also served as the vice chairman of Dubai Quality Group (DQG), In addition, He is a board member of the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACME) Middle East Chapter. Ahmad holds an MBA from the University of New England and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona. He has completed the PED (Programme for Executive Development) at IMD Business School in Switzerland. Currently, Ahmad advises board of Directors, CEOs, and CIOs on IT strategy, cyber security, and IT governance, IT led innovation. He serves as a board member of Paramount Computer Systems. He is strategic advisor to HCL Middle East. He also is a board member of CIOMajlis, and a member of IDC Middle East advisory council.