Ethical Hacking for Internal Auditors
10/09/2024 - 12/09/2024 @ 8:30 am - 3:30 pm - Course Overview IT Security and Cybersecurity rank today as top threats among all industries globally. Modern internal auditors cannot treat these topics as “black boxes”. The purpose of this course is to equip internal auditors with baseline knowledge that will allow them to communicate with security experts, to deal with low level security issues and [...]

Date(s) - 10/09/2024 - 12/09/2024
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

VOCO Dubai

Course Overview

IT Security and Cybersecurity rank today as top threats among all industries globally. Modern internal auditors cannot treat these topics as “black boxes”. The purpose of this course is to equip internal auditors with baseline knowledge that will allow them to communicate with security experts, to deal with low level security issues and to build a base for future advancement of security-related skills. The course is divided in two sections: Part 1 is building network fundamentals (OSI layers) and Part 2 makes an introduction to ethical hacking.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of taking this course, participants should be able to:

  • Communicate effectively with security experts that undertake penetration testing or related services with their organizations
  • Recognize most important security threats in the current environment.
  • Understand the control techniques that should be employed either to mitigate or to eliminate the threat.
  • Have a background fundamental in making future next steps in the information security/ethical hacking career paths.
  • The following sections will be fully discussed and explained during the process of the course:

Why you should attend

Internal auditors that are unaware of IT, network and hacking concepts are already becoming obsolete. Do not miss the opportunity to jump on the train and advance your career to a level that is already required by the market.

Who should attend

The course is designed for professionals that have limited or even no IT literacy so far. The main characteristic to make you a great candidate for this course is your understanding of the need to keep pace with the current developments in the market.

Course Level              Foundation


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While the UAE Internal Audit Association and its staff make every effort to observe and maintain the schedule of every training course as set forth in the organization’s training schedule, under certain circumstances that are out of our control we might feel obligated to cancel and/or reschedule any training course or event. Under these circumstances, our training department will forward all registrants to the next available schedule for the same course. The individual participant or the sponsoring organization will have the ability to request a different schedule for the same course or a different course within the same calendar year.

CPEs: 21 Point
Course Level: Foundation
Duration: 3 Day/s
Language: English
Member Fees:1800USD
Nonmember Fees: 2000USD

Number of Attendees:

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